Rebecca May, a Coffs Harbour dietitian and nutrition counsellor, is preparing a bowl of muesli at eluceo. She's smiling over her shoulder.

Nutrition counselling for anyone who wants to improve their relationship with food and eating.

So you can stop feeling out of control and start feeling empowered.

If you’re here, you’re probably feeling like the way you relate to food is out of alignment – and you’re curious about how that could change. 

Maybe you –

  • Have been on and off diets since you were a teenager and you want off the rollercoaster for good.

  • Have realised your old food habits can’t sustain your busy lifestyle and you’re ready to know how to thrive.

  • Have grown up with guilt and shame around food – and you want to break this cycle for yourself and your children. 

  • Want to shut down those voices that tell you your weight dictates your worth.

  • Keep being told that dieting is the answer, when you know from experience it doesn’t work.

  • Want to feel empowered, not anxious, about eating – but you’re not sure where to start.

Sometimes it might feel as if your relationship with food is broken and that you’ll have to put up with this forever. 
But these are symptoms of a broken system, not a broken person – and you can free yourself from them.

An inviting plate of food in the middle of a. table at a dinner party. In the background, two people are holding cutlery over their own bowls.

Embracing the nuances of nourishing your body

We’re all born with an innate knowledge of how to nourish ourselves. It’s this knowing that tells us when we’re hungry, when we’re full and what we need to thrive. 

But diet culture has interrupted this process with scales, guilt and pressure – leaving us feeling critical about eating and our bodies. You don’t have to accept this as part of your everyday. 

When you have the space, support and tools to rewrite your relationship with food, you can:

  • Learn to enjoy your meals without feeling guilty.

  • Find satisfaction and social connection in food.

  • Shift your focus from the numbers on the scale to develop a deeper connection with your body.

  • Recognise what foods fuel your body well, and when and how to give it.

  • Build habits that help you thrive and support your lifestyle and health goals.

  • Exercise personal agency over food – despite what diet culture is telling you.

Rebecca May, a dietitian and nutrition counsellor, is standing in thedoorway at eluceo in Woolgoolga with a warm smile on her face.

A whole-person approach from a dietitian who doesn’t do diets

If you’ve sought support before, you might have been given a meal plan or told to ‘eat less and move more’. 

As a dietitian, that’s how I was trained too. But with over 12 years’ experience in the private and public sectors (and years relearning how to relate to my own body) it’s not what I recommend now. 

Because I see diets as band aid solutions that create a scarcity mindset and don’t consider the bigger picture.

Instead, I use my years of experience, Intuitive Eating® principles and whole human approach – that’s mind and body – to personalise a respectful path forward that works for you.

You can read more about my journey here

What happens in nutrition counselling sessions?

Dietitian Rebecca May is sitting facing a client in her office at eluceo, Woolgoolga. She's going through some paperwork on a cipboard and smiling warmly at the client, whose back is to us.

Reflect and plan

We’ll unpack your food and body story and medical and social history. There’s no judgement – and I won’t put you on a meal plan, take away your favourite foods or give you a list of rules to follow.

Instead, we’ll chat about all things food and weight – the delicious, the disasters and everything in between.

You’ll talk, I’ll listen and together we’ll come up with a roadmap for healing your relationship with food, at a pace that feels right for you.

80 minutes | $255 | Rebates may apply


Rebecca May, a woolgoogla-based dietitian and nutrition counselling, is writing the word "nourish" in the sand on the beach.

Unlearn and explore

We’ll identify challenges, learn tools and complete activities while exploring:

  • How your want your relationship with food to look.

  • How to recognise diet culture and how it shows up in your life.

  • Food rules and mindsets that keep us stuck.

  • New ways of relating to food, your body and eating.

  • How to recognise and honour your innate hunger and fullness cues – if it is safe for you to do so.

  • How to find satisfaction, pleasure and social connection in eating.

  • How to navigate non-hungry eating behaviours with kindness and respect.

  • Gentle nutrition concepts that support your goals and values.

50 minutes | $155 | Rebates may apply


  • You can send an appointment request here or call eluceo on 02 6600 1350.

  • I work in Woolgoolga, New South Wales at eluceo – 4/58 Beach Street.

  • Yes, but I prefer to meet face to face for the first session if this is possible. Of course if you are not located on the Coffs Coast, telehealth is a great option.

  • Your first appointment takes 80-90 minutes and each follow up appointment takes 50-60 minutes.

  • Your initial assessment (80 minutes) is an investment of $255, with each follow up session (50 minutes) an investment of $155. If you come with a care plan, a $60.35 rebate will apply.

  • Generally people work with me for around 10 appointments to unlearn all the food and body myths that diet culture has told them (and relearn new ways of relating to food and their bodies). However some people are already on the journey and may only need up to 5 sessions for some personalised guidance. If diet culture is heavily entrenched in your life, this transformation might take longer.

  • Intuitive Eating® is a self-care framework that considers both physical and mental health. It’s weight inclusive, evidence-based and has been backed by over 100 studies (and counting).

    Intuitive Eating® works by helping you tune into your body’s signals for meeting your physical and mental needs and removing the barriers to this (such as rules, beliefs and thoughts).

  • Yes – but it’s the fun kind. Homework with me might involve awareness practices, eating experiments and being curious about doing something differently.

  • We’ll write session notes you can take with you so you don’t need to worry about remembering everything. I’ll also give you digital copies of any resources we use.

An inviting plate of food - chocolate, cheese and fruit. It's the kind of thing that Rebecca May Nutrition, a non-diet dietitian might serve.

You don’t need to live with food guilt and shame as part of every meal.

Let’s lay new foundations for your relationship with food, together.