Rebecca May, a Coffs Harbour dietitian and nutrition counsellor, is standing on the beach with ehr hands in her pockets. She's smiling at the camera.
The word "nourish" written in the sand by Rebecca May - an experienced dietitian and nutrition counsellor who practices in Woolgoolga, New South Wales.

Hello, I’m Bec – a dietitian, nutrition counsellor and Intuitive Eating® counsellor based on the Coffs Coast.

I’m here to help you rewrite your relationship with food. But first, we need to bust a few myths:

  • You’re not failing at dieting, dieting is failing you. You’ve probably suspected it for a while, but diets are not the answer. They create a scarcity mindset which leaves you feeling chaotic when it comes to eating – and that is not a sustainable way for anyone to live.

  • Nutrition is not about restriction. You don’t need to give up your favourite foods, stick to a meal plan or eat less to build a healthier relationship with food.

  • Our bodies are not something to control. Diet culture tries to normalise being self-critical about food and our bodies – and many of us experience this. But it doesn’t have to be this way and you don’t have to live with this feeling forever.

There’s nothing wrong with you. What you’re going through is a symptom of a broken system, not a broken person.

Rebecca May, a Coffs Harbour dietitian and nutrition counsellor, is standing at the doorway at eluceo. She has a warm smile..

When we work together, I use over 12 years of experience, Intuitive Eating® principles and a whole human approach to help you create a respectful path forward that works for your life.

I can’t promise a specific outcome or tell you exactly what your journey will look like – because yours won’t be like anyone else’s.

But I can promise that I’ll listen without judgement. That you’ll feel seen, heard, and understood. 

And together, we’ll come up with a plan to improve your relationship with food – so you can confidently know yourself and what you need to thrive.

    • Bachelor of Science (Nutrition) BSc

    • Master of Nutrition Dietetics MSc(Nutr&Diet)

    • Accredited Practicing Dietitian APD

    • Credentialled Eating Disorder Clinician CEDC

    • Certificate IV in Breastfeeding Education

    • Non-diet Approach for Dietitians

    • The Foundations of Eating Disorders

    • Dietitians Essentials: Treatment of Eating Disorders

    • Binge Eating Disorder Treatment for Dietitians

    • Trauma Informed Care – A Course for Health Professionals

    • Motivational Interviewing 1 & 2

    • Understanding Professional Boundaries

    • Becoming an Effective & Ethical Supervisor - Foundations for Dietitians

    • Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor (finishing early 2024)

    • Over 12 years’ experience as an accredited practicing dietitian in public and private sectors.

    • Clinical supervisor for dietitians. Learn more here.

I believe

I believe ○

All bodies deserve respect.

Knowing how to nourish your body is empowering.

Dieting is not the answer.

Nourishment is about thriving.

I envision a world where:

Our bodies are seen as something to be nourished, not controlled.

A world where we can relate to them without scales, and to food without dieting.

Where eating goes hand in hand with joy, connection and respect.

That’s not the world that I, like many of us, have always experienced.

From a young age, my body didn't conform with the conventional weight/shape standards that were portrayed in the media.

I started to believe the narrative I was being sold, that there was something wrong with MY body.

It took me 35 years, two nutrition degrees, further studies and a whole lot of life experience to realise there was more to life than trying to control my body. 

So I know firsthand how challenging it can be to unlearn what diet culture has taught us, and relearn how to nourish ourselves with respect and purpose.

But I know how powerful, and how freeing, it can be too. 

That’s why I want to help others do the same.

A platter of food including fruit, cheese and chocolate. It is rich and inviting.

Feeling deprived when it comes to food and eating is not something you have to live with.

You can learn what helps your mind and body thrive – and how to provide it respectfully.